Steely evil

Fragments from a dream, from 25 May 2011.

At this stage in the dream, as is often the case, I’m thinking back on something that happened earlier in the dream, but it’s unclear whether it actually happened earlier in the dream or I’m just dreaming that it did.

My brother, my mother and I are living in our old apartment. But in the dream we apparently have recently been living in a much worse, run-down apartment, since we were poor. A helpful angel is the cause of our good fortune of getting the opportunity to move to this nice place. I remember the angel using his/her/its powers to manifest this new apartment.

I’m with my brother in my old room. Maybe it’s his room in the dream. He’s looking at or doing something with some gray steel bars which are mounted horizontally a few feet above the floor. There are small holes, like screw holes, in them. He says that he sometimes put some of the meat, or the small bones, or some of the silver, into the holes. I’m thinking that he must mean during dinner, like chicken bones left over and pieces of chicken meat. “The silver” is mysterious, but I don’t question it in the dream. There’s some reason he does this, something to do with the holes or what’s inside them, like they want it.

I then think about seeing the angel creating the apartment. It didn’t have enough power on its own, so it summoned various demons or evil spirits to lend power. As a result, some of this malignant force remains, and I assume that this force is what’s wanting to be fed through these holes. I’m very concerned and warn my brother not to do this.

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