Holding on to land on the high seas

I’ve not been good at writing down or even remembering interesting dreams in a while. But here is one, from a week ago.

The earth is a huge ocean. Continents and islands are floating on the ocean. Below the ocean are fishes. On the islands are animals, feeding on the fishes. Above are birds, feeding on the animals.

The landmasses are flowing rapidly on the waves, following fierce currents. The smaller islands are faster. I’m on an island, holding on tight, but I’m wanting to get to the continent of Australia. Even the continents are not that big though.

There are more waves and they become bigger. The seas are now flowing upwards, like going up an increasingly steep hill. This is due to the curvature of the earth, as I’m about to go around and below. Some fellow traveler warns me about the danger of octopuses. I miss Australia in the chaos. The waves are getting higher and higher. I think that I could always go around the earth again, but it doesn’t seem tempting.

Another option appears. It’s a building standing right in the middle of the seething waters, kind of a tower, with many doors and windows. Someone I know is in there. But all the windows and doors have been closed because of the high waves, that are reaching almost to the top of the tower as they break against it.

How to get in?

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