Giant robots at sea

A dream from a few days ago, 5 May.

The dream was about workers on big marine robotic vessels. These vessels were not ships, but huge humanoid robots (in that they had arms and legs). They were probably walking on the seabed rather than traveling on the surface. The crew in the dream was working above sea level. It seems I wasn’t personally in this dream, but I was there somehow still.

Embarking and disembarking were done by walking along the arms and hands of a robot, which it stretched out to the shore. The last part of walking ashore was atop the fingers, which were so long that it took a few minutes. A robot’s fingers were not round (that is, their cross section) but rather polygonal. To create a walkway it held two fingers together, each one forming a slanting side with no level floor in between, crew members having to step on these angled sides.

There was always the danger of a robot deciding it didn’t like the crew members and closing the two fingers, crushing the humans. This didn’t happen very often, but of course the thought of it took an emotional toll on the crew. A female crew member was contemplating whether feigning illness was a viable way of avoiding going ashore, because this time she feared for her life.

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