Smoking baaaad (so is pun)

A dream from last night.

I dreamt I was a smoker, and I had a sheep in order to use its tail to light my cigarettes.

When I was going to buy the sheep, the shady character who was selling it to me was going to demonstrate lighting its tail. But this was intercepted by some secret agent, in order to stop a major event that he had some foreknowledge about; maybe a big fire would be started. The seller left, angry that his sale had been ruined, but leaving the sheep.

After that I just sat around at the cafe were this had taken place, smoking and looking at my sheep grazing on the other side of the fence. I never did use it to light my smokes. Sometimes it came close to my cigarette, like it wanted a puff, but I deemed this wasn’t a good idea. Even in this dream it was more like I was playing a role than really being a smoker. I did inhale, but wasn’t taking too many puffs and it didn’t really do anything for me.

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